A ROAD closure which was originally brought into force to make getting around safer for pedestrians during the Covid-19 pandemic will remain in place on a permanent basis.

A section of Dunbar’s Countess Crescent was closed to vehicular traffic at its junction with Countess Road in 2020.

The move came under the Spaces for People programme, which was introduced during the pandemic.

At that time, funding was made available for councils to modify public spaces to make it easier for people to walk and cycle for essential trips and exercise while Covid restrictions were in place.

The closure at the junction of Countess Crescent with Countess Road was brought in following local consultation to help pedestrian flow and allow physical distancing on the route to nearby schools.

READ MORE: Consultation into plans to close road outside Dunbar Primary School

The closure was well received by residents and further consultation the following year demonstrated that the majority of respondents supported a move to make the closure to through traffic permanent on safety grounds.

The decision to make the move permanent was made at Tuesday’s meeting of the council's cabinet.

Following the meeting, Councillor John McMillan, East Lothian Council’s cabinet member for environment, said: “Spaces for People gave us funding and an opportunity to look at our communities and put in place measures that would make the areas safer and more suitable for pedestrians and cyclists.

“Crucially, proposals for improvements were shaped by local residents.

“I am pleased that this measure, which has been well received by the community, will now be made permanent.”

Vehicles can still access Countess Crescent from its junctions with Countess Avenue and Belhaven Road.

The road is currently closed under the temporary order and it is anticipated that it will fall under the permanent order later in the year.