A MUM is in the "final push" of her two-year-long fundraising campaign to help provide electric wheelchairs for her daughter and her friend, with a charity skydive planned for this weekend. 

Henrietta Forman, 64, of Gullane, has been fundraising for the past 24 months to raise £22,500 for a replacement electric wheelchair for her daughter Finola, and for the refurbishment of Finola's existing wheelchair for her daughter's friend Alex.

Finola, 32, has had cerebral palsy from birth, while Alex Maxtone Graham, 35, has secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. The pair are neighbours in Leith and have become close friends.

Henrietta is raising the money as she is unable to get equivalent electric wheelchairs through the NHS.

She has already raised £10,000 of the £15,500 needed for the replacement wheelchair for her daughter, while the refurbishment of the wheelchair for Alex will cost £7,000. 

Henrietta told the Courier: "I am a single mother who is determined that my daughter and friend should have the best quality of life possible.

"They are unable to get equivalent electric wheelchairs through the NHS. 

"I have been fundraising to replace my daughter's current chair for the last two years - the original chair in 2017 cost £13,100 which was fundraised. 

"Today, Motus Medical have quoted £17,051 to replace it; however, they have kindly reduced their cost to £15,500 knowing what I am trying to do. 

"I truly thank you on behalf of Finola and Alex for whatever you can do, as in the current climate, fundraising is no easy task. 

"You must do mad things to get any attention as there are so many good causes needing help and this for me is truly mad, as I can’t even go up a stepladder without feeling ill! I also have a phobia about falling!"

Henrietta's skydive is set to take place on Sunday at Skydive Strathallan, near Auchterarder. 

You can view the fundraiser, by clicking here