A YOUNG woman from North Berwick who is living with a severe blood condition has enjoyed a four-day sailing adventure following intensive treatment.

Abby Ireland, 22, who has aplastic anaemia, a rare bone marrow failure, set sail with the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust earlier this summer.

While undergoing treatment Abby was stuck in a bed for a long time and is now grateful to be up and about.

She told the Courier: “My condition is very much long term.

“I’m still monitored very closely and constantly, so it still affects my life a lot, literally every day.

“It’s really important to remember how to be normal again, even though my life isn’t normal, and everything is quite uncertain.”

The Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust takes young people aged eight to 24 on outdoor adventures to help them rediscover their independence and feel optimistic about life.

Abby added: “It’s back to having a laugh, having joyful experiences, being normal. So much of life is this thing you’ve always got to worry about in the back of your mind.

“You can’t plan the next week or you’re thinking about your next hospital appointment, whereas on trips like this, you can just play games and have fun.”

Dame Ellen MacArthur, founder and patron of the charity, said: “This summer we will welcome hundreds of young people who need post-treatment support. They will believe in a brighter future.”