A CAMPAIGN for the community to buy the former The Abbey care home in North Berwick and turn it into a community hub is gathering pace. 

The East Lothian Council-run care home has now closed and put on the market for £1.2 million, with all of the residents successfully rehomed. 

The facility's closure was due to a £10 million county funding gap and the century-old building not meeting health and care standards, said the authorities.

At Tuesday's meeting of North Berwick Community Council, Kenny Miller, the group's chair, discussed getting an action plan in place, with talks about how the planned new facility at the site could possibly benefit the community, bringing together residents, charities and local organisations.  

READ MORE: Discussions planned for future of former The Abbey care home

Mr Miller informed members that he had already started looking for funding options, including a meeting with the North Berwick Trust and South Scotland MSP Craig Hoy. 

He said: "The Abbey care home has a really extraordinary potential to be a community hub but what we need to do is get a full business plan in place. 

"This will encourage the North Berwick Trust and other funders to get onboard with this idea.

"I have already had a conversation with Craig Hoy, and [fellow South Scotland MSP] Martin Whitfield also wants to be kept informed about our plans. 

"Craig Hoy was the first person to respond to my email and his researchers are currently looking at funding options. 

"We have been fairly successful in the starting stages of this project, finding a financier, but we would need a lawyer and an engineer, along with some fundraising to go along with this plan."

Members of the public are due to meet this evening at 7pm to examine the possibility of a community asset transfer of the building, which could bring it into public ownership.

North Berwick Community Development Company (NBCDC) is hosting the meeting in the town’s community centre.

Mr Miller had previously told the Courier  that a “loose idea” of forming a community hub and providing space for organisations in the town had been drawn up.

North Berwick Trust and Mr Hoy have been contacted for comment.