STAFF at a childcare service in Haddington's secondary school have been praised for creating “a warm, inviting and calm environment”.

An unannounced inspection was carried out at Tots & Teens, which is based in Knox Academy, towards the end of June.

The service caters for up to a dozen children aged from two to four.

Representatives from the Care Inspectorate not only spoke to staff but also children and reviewed comments from three parents who had completed a questionnaire.

Two of the four sectors – how good is our setting and how good is our leadership – were rated as 'good', while the remaining two sectors – how is good our care, play and learning, and how good is our staff team – were rated as 'very good'.

The report describes staff as “calm, fun and friendly” while also speaking of the children’s “personalities, interests and preferences”.

It continues: “Children requiring additional support had individualised strategies in place.

“Staff could discuss the progress of these strategies but it was not always noted in the personal plan.

“Additional recording would enable staff to have an overview of progress or if adjustments to the support plans were needed.

“Snack and mealtimes provided children with a positive social experience.

“Lunch was provided by the setting and delivered to the playroom by kitchen staff.

"There were limited opportunities for serving food at lunchtime but this was addressed through snack time and opportunities for helping prepare snack.

“Children were well supported during their meal, where staff sat and ate with them.

“Staff ensured that all children had enough to eat and water was provided throughout the session.”

The staff were singled out for praise during the report.

It reads: “Children were cared for by a staff team who were compassionate, friendly and responsive to children's needs.

“There was a good mix of skills and knowledge within the staff team who were committed to providing quality play and learning for children.

“They were a relatively new team and had worked hard to establish positive relationships with each other, the children and families.

“They communicated in a respectful way and spoke with enthusiasm and passion about their roles, which demonstrated positivity and commitment to their work.

“This supported children to have fun, achieve and feel safe in the service.”

An East Lothian Council spokesperson welcomed the report.

She said: "We're delighted with the findings from this positive report and inspectors' comments around the high quality care offered to the children and families.

"In particular, it's great to hear families' experiences reflected.

"Early years is an important time in a child's development and the team at Tots and Teens are dedicated to making their setting fun, nurturing and enriching for all of the children who attend."