A DRIVER who had cocaine in his system was found to be more than nine-and-a-half times the legal limit.

Gary Kerr, 35, was drug tested by police officers after being stopped in his car on Drummore Drive in Prestonpans on December 23 last year.

Kerr was found to have 96mg of cocaine per litre of blood while he was driving the vehicle.

The legal limit is 10mg per litre of blood.

He appeared at Edinburgh Sheriff Court last Thursday, where he pleaded guilty to the offence.

Kerr also had not guilty pleas accepted by the Crown to possessing quantities of cocaine and cannabis on the same date.

During the hearing in front of Sheriff John Cook, Kerr also pleaded guilty to a separate offence of assaulting a woman by seizing her by the neck and pushing her to the ground to her injury.

The assault took place near to Kerr’s home at Abbots View in Haddington on October 15 last year.

No narration into either event was read out in open court and Kerr was handed an interim driving ban in the meantime.

Sentence on both matters was deferred for the narration and social work reports to be prepared to next month.