THE academic year for pupils at Preston Lodge High School is under way, but six students have a little bit more weight on their shoulders than the rest. 

Martha Thomson, Gabriella O'Donnell, Robyn Manson (head student), Angus Johnston-Smith (head student), Katie Fairfull and Ruari Horne are part of the senior team for this year.

Their plans include a number of larger goals, including working alongside the community, getting more pupils involved in sporting activities/clubs and raising awareness of mental health.

READ MORE: Head pupils at Ross High School get ready for year ahead

On Tuesday, the Courier met up with the super six that Preston Lodge has put its faith in for the year. 

Head student Angus, 17, emphasised that he wanted to make inroads with residents of all the communities that pupils come from to attend the school. 

He said: "It is really important that we spend a lot of time with the community and it would be great if the school were able to spend time with the hard-working people who have recently opened up Preston Tower after so many years of it being closed." 

Fellow head student Robyn, 17, said: "I think it is really important to make sure that everyone who spends time at Preston Lodge is as happy as they can be, by making sure the first-years have a great first year."

Katie, 16, is keen to hear from the underrepresented in the school and community. 

She said: "I'd love to hear from people who are a bit more quiet and be more inclusive, that is one of my main goals for my time in the senior team." 

Gabriella, 17, said: "We really want to make sure everyone, including the first-years, are welcome at Preston Lodge High School." 

Ruari, 17, said: "We are wanting to make the school better for everyone and one thing I want to make cleaner are the toilets. 

And Martha, 17, added: "I really want to make sure all demographics of pupils in Preston Lodge get the support they are needing."