SCOTTISH Water has confirmed that it is "not aware" of any smell affecting residents in Prestonpans.

For the past few months, residents have spoken of an unpleasant odour in the air, with the suspicion it could be coming from Scottish Water's waste pumping plant, located on the B1348 to the west of the town. 

Members of Prestonpans Community Council highlighted the issue at their meeting last week, with one describing the smell as "absolutely horrendous".

Ferhan Ashiq, community councillor said: "The stink is absolutely horrendous, it is absolutely disgusting.

"I heard that one of the machines had broken down and that is causing the problem." 

Jess Wilson said: "I went down to the High Street the other day and the smell is absolutely minging."

On contacting Scottish Water following the meeting, a spokesperson confirmed to the Courier that they were "not aware" of any issues in Prestonpans. 

A Scottish Water spokesperson said: "We are not aware of any issues at Prestonpans affecting the normal operation of the asset.

"We take every odour complaint seriously and will investigate each complaint in accordance with our existing procedure."