TWO parliamentarians have stopped by a Prestonpans bakery to hear more about how its work is impacting the local economy and community.

Martin Whitfield, MSP for South Scotland, and Douglas Alexander, MP for Lothian East, visited The Premium Bakery to support Scotland Loves Local Week.

This initiative, led by Scotland's Towns Partnership (STP), ran until Sunday and aimed to highlight the importance of supporting local businesses to foster sustainable communities.

Mr Whitfield said: "I was delighted to visit The Premium Bakery again and catch up with some of its latest developments.

"Local businesses like them are at the heart of the economy and communities across East Lothian.

"Scotland Loves Local Week is our chance to recognise the role of these enterprises and thank them for all that they are doing."

Mr Alexander added: "They are a great example of a local business that really cares about its place in the community and the impact it has on it.

"By getting behind these local enterprises, the public can help ensure their survival, safeguard jobs and keep money circulating in the local economy."

Graeme Ford, owner of the bakery, thanked the pair for visiting.

He said: “Their commitment to supporting businesses in the community is commendable, and we look forward to continuing this important dialogue to help drive growth and success in our local communities.”

Kimberley Guthrie, interim chief officer of STP, said: "The simple act of choosing local has a profound effect, laying the foundations of a new future for towns and neighbourhoods as we seize and create opportunities to make them stronger and more sustainable."