A HOUSE on Longniddry's Links Road has been broken into twice within a fortnight.

Detectives are appealing for information following two reports of housebreaking at the premises; they believe they are both linked.

The first incident happened at about 2am on August 13, and the second at about 1.45am on Tuesday morning.

Two people in dark clothing were seen making off on foot after both incidents.

Detective Constable Russell Taylor said: “We believe these break-ins to be linked and our enquiries to trace those responsible are ongoing.

 “I would ask anyone with any information or who saw anything suspicious around the time of the incidents to get in touch.

“We would also urge anyone in the surrounding area with dash-cam or private CCTV, to please check your footage in case you have captured anything that could assist us with our enquiries.

Anyone who can help is asked to contact Police Scotland on 101, quoting incident number 0286 of Tuesday, August 13, and 0217 of Tuesday, August 27.