A RETIRED teacher from Wallyford is celebrating the publication of her second novel following the success of her debut.

Faye Stevenson, who lived on Wemyss Gardens, Wallyford, until she was 22, attended Wallyford Primary and Musselburgh Grammar Schools.

Now living at Freuchie in Fife, her second book is called Sleeping Partners.

Faye, 66, explained that the story revolved around the lives of the staff and clientele of The Maltings – a fictional inn in the village of Duneden, not too far from St Andrews.

The main character hails from Port Seton, she added.

Faye, who taught at Ladybank Primary School for 25 years, said: “Since the launch of my last book, Take Me Instead, I have been invited to dozens of events and meetings ranging from community libraries, book clubs, Seescape groups, WRI groups, schools and fundraisers.

READ MOREFaye Stevenson releases her debut novel Take Me Instead

“I was guest speaker at a large local Burns supper, which I loved as I used to be on the Burns circuit with my son, Murray, who does a fantastic rendition of Tam O’Shanter.”

She added: “Readers from all over the world have contacted me to say how much they loved the book and to share their own memories – mainly expats or relations of family living in the areas mentioned in the book.

“Many of my peers from Musselburgh Grammar came along to my East Lothian launch last year and we have kept in touch.

“The Wallyford community have been very loyal supporters too.

“It has been great to reconnect with childhood friends and neighbours.”

Faye said: “Self-publishing is a lonely venture.

“I don’t have the money or resources that many well-known authors take for granted. However, I do have a loyal band of readers who read my work before it goes to print.

“My two high school pals, known locally in Musselburgh as Linda Telfer and Maureen Haggas, proofread my final draft, as did my daughter Gillian Mudie. I am indebted to all three.

“My nephew, Mark Stevenson, took the photograph for the cover.

“Duncan at Lumphanan Press does all the formatting for me.

“I do all of the research myself, often meeting very interesting professionals along the way who allow me to pick their brains and ask some ridiculous questions.

'A joy to write'

“My husband Ronnie has been in hospitality for over 30 years and his extensive knowledge of the industry was invaluable to me.

“I hope the novel is a true and fair reflection of typical village and pub life, flaws and all, in the ’80s.

“It was a joy to write and I hope those who purchase the book enjoy the read.”

Take Me Instead, which is based in East Lothian and Portobello, is about a mother and daughter who get knocked down at a busy Edinburgh junction.

Faye previously explained: “The mother sees her daughter lying lifeless on the road and pleads with God to ‘take me instead’.

“The mother awakens in hospital nine months after the accident and has no recollection of what she has been up to during the past nine months. She finds out that her daughter Ruby ‘died’ at the scene.

“All is revealed when her daughter’s best friend arrives with a detailed journal Ruby has somehow written for her mother. It tells her everything she had been up to for nine months.”

Faye’s books are available to buy via Amazon.