AN ORMISTON man has been banned from having any contact with his former partner for the next seven years.

Steven Denholm was initially sentenced to a similar order in May last year instructing him to stay away from the woman.

Denholm was also given bail conditions in March last year banning him from entering the town of Haddington apart from arranging childcare with his former partner.

But the 43-year-old breached both orders when he attend the woman’s home in the town and was found to be in her company on occasions between May 20 and 21 this year.

He was also found to be in breach of the non-harassment order by contacting the woman on June 29 this year.

Denholm pleaded guilty to several breaches during a hearing at Edinburgh Sheriff Court last month.

He was back in the dock for sentencing last Wednesday, where Sheriff Adrian Fraser placed him under the supervision of the local social work department for the next two years.

The sheriff also imposed a seven year non-harassment order and sentenced Denholm to wear an electronic tagging device and stay within his home at Sprinty Avenue between 9pm and 6am each night for the next 60 days.