A HADDINGTON man has been told he must attend mental health services as part of a community payback order after he admitted causing a disturbance outside a property in Ormiston.

Tymothe Point turned up at the home on the village’s Hillview Road and began acting aggressively by shouting, swearing and demanding entry.

Point then repeatedly lashed out at doors and windows and made derogatory remarks towards the owner of the home.

The 23-year old uttered threats to damage a vehicle and also threw bricks at the address while the homeowner’s children were present.

Point, of Abbots View, then damaged a car window by kicking it and damaged a door of the property by striking it, all on June 6 this year.

He admitted three offences when appearing at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on July 19 and was back in the dock for sentencing last week.

Sheriff Adrian Fraser issued a direct alternative to custody by placing Point on a 12-month supervision order.

The sheriff also put in place a conduct requirement where the offender must attend mental health services when required to do so.