POLITICIANS have raised a glass to two East Lothian breweries who will battle it out to be crowned the best in Scotland.

Haddington-based Winton Brewery and Dunbar's Belhaven Brewery are both in the running for prizes at the Scottish Beer Awards next month.

The success has been recognised in the Scottish Parliament, with a motion congratulating the two businesses submitted by Craig Hoy, South Scotland MSP.

READ MORE: Winton Brewery and Belhaven Brewery up for Scottish Beer Awards

The motion, which has been backed by more than 20 MSPs, reads: “That the Parliament congratulates Belhaven Brewery and Winton Brewery on representing East Lothian at the upcoming Scottish Beer Awards 2024; recognises what it sees as the significance of this national awards ceremony in showcasing the best of Scotland’s beer industry; acknowledges the achievements and local contributions of Dunbar-based Belhaven Brewery, Scotland’s oldest working brewery, which is recognised in three categories, and Haddington-based Winton Brewery, which is shortlisted in four categories; understands the importance of such events in promoting and celebrating local craftsmanship and entrepreneurship, and commits to supporting the growth and recognition of the Scottish beer industry.”

Winton Brewery is up for Best Juicy or Hazy Beer, Best Lager, Best Sour Beer and Best Beer Destination at the awards in Glasgow.

Meanwhile, at the awards on September 11, Belhaven Brewery is up for Excellence in Branding, Best British Style Ale and Best Porter or Stout.