A PORT Seton pensioner who smeared faeces over the walls of a public toilet, as well as committing a number of sexual offences in similar facilities, has appeared in court.

Robert Cockburn carried out a catalogue of offences at public toilets after he was repeatedly allowed bail over a four-week period earlier this year.

Cockburn, 77, was jailed and placed on the sex offenders' register in November last year after he admitted committing several sexual offences.

He had also been previously been placed under the conditions of an anti-social behaviour order (ASBO) during a hearing at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on March 28 last year.

The ASBO stated that the pensioner was barred from entering any public toilet within East Lothian apart from when he needed to use the disabled facilities, and that he must not expose himself or urinate or defecate for no good reason.

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Following his release from custody, Cockburn then breached the court ASBO by entering the public toilets on Links Road in Port Seton and smearing faeces on the walls on July 7.

He was arrested on the same day and, after spending the night in custody, he appeared at the Capital court to admit the offence the following day.

After being granted bail, Cockburn then entered the same public toilet on July 11, where he was seen by a member of the public sitting on the toilet with the door open.

The witness saw that the OAP was exposing his genitals and was urinating and defecating himself.

Cockburn, of Links View, was again arrested and admitted the offence when he appeared at court from custody on July 12.

The repeat offender was again granted bail by a sheriff but was arrested the following day after he entered the public toilets within Waverley train station in Edinburgh and watched a man who was urinating.

Following a further court appearance on July 15, Cockburn was again released on bail but then went on to offend further by exposing his buttocks and genitals to members of the public on Musselburgh High Street on July 31.

The court heard that Cockburn also exposed his buttocks on the same day at Family Dental Care on Prestonpans High Street before being arrested again.

Cockburn committed further offences by exposing himself to a man on North Junction Street in Edinburgh on August 1, and exposing himself and performing a solo sex act at the public toilets at Waverley train station on August 5.

The pensioner appeared in person at Edinburgh Sheriff Court last Thursday, where Sheriff Roderick Flynn deferred sentence to next month for an investigation into whether he can be housed within a care home.