VOLUNTEERS from North Berwick RNLI were called into action on Sunday after a 999 call from the occupants of a kayak who were struggling in the strong sea breeze. 

The charity’s D-class lifeboat SUNIJO was launched at 5.28pm and was quickly on its way to the casualties, who described their position relative to the islands off the county coast. 

The crew locating the kayak eight minutes after launch and the casualties - two adults and two children - were brought on board.

They were assessed before being taken back to shore and handed into the care of North Berwick Coastguard Rescue Team. 

As they were wearing wetsuits, buoyancy aids and had two waterproofed means of calling for help, they were well equipped, but had been caught out by the conditions.

Crew member Tom Kerley said: “Setting off in the lee of the land, it wasn’t until the casualties rounded Fidra Island that they were exposed to the rougher conditions.

“The conditions meant they were unable to safely make it back to shore without the risk of being swamped or capsized by the larger waves.

"They did the right thing by calling the coastguard and describing their position so that we could locate them.”

In a statement, North Berwick RNLI emphasised the unpredictability of the water, saying: “Conditions offshore can be very different to the relatively sheltered inshore water, and can change quickly.”

Anyone entering the water is reminded to always wear a personal flotation device, carry a waterproofed means of calling for help, and check the weather forecast and assess along the planned route.

In any coastal emergency, dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.