EAST Lothian businesses are being offered support to bid for contracts in the county, particularly trades, construction and retrofit firms.

The assistance is part of East Lothian Council’s Community Wealth Building (CWB) initiative, designed to build the local economy and aid businesses and communities.

The council’s newly appointed economic CWB officer is focusing on firms in the traditional trades, construction and energy-efficiency, retrofit and decarbonisation sectors to support them with procurement opportunities.

Councillor John McMillan, East Lothian Council spokesperson for economic development, said: “Angela Lamont is our new CWB officer and she is looking to engage with local firms in this sector to support them understand ELC’s procurement processes.

“Buyers publish opportunities on Public Contract Scotland (PCS) so businesses need to be registered on PCS to become aware of and bid for opportunities."

These opportunities can include participation in National Frameworks for all Scottish local authorities.

He added: "We’re keen to support East Lothian businesses, our communities and local economy through the Community Wealth Building programme.”

Ms Lamont said: “Community Wealth Building aims to link local suppliers to local contracts, so I would encourage people to get in touch.

“The frameworks that are appearing could offer some really good opportunities and I’m keen to provide support.”

For more details, businesses can reach Ms Lamont via email at cwb@eastlothian.gov.uk or visit the council's website.