THE first school fair at Pinkie St Peter’s Primary School in five years has been hailed a success by organisers.

The event had been shelved due to the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent building work at the Musselburgh school, which included a new nursery and gym hall.

Organised by a sub team of the Pinkie Parents’ Community group, the fair included a range of stalls and fun activities.

A Pinkie-tastic Art Competition – the first ever school-wide art competition – sponsored by Tesco, Dan Brown at the Pinkie Farm Shop and Edinburgh College, and organised by parent Bex Richmond, was held as part of the event to showcase the pupils’ artistic talents.

The theme was based on the pupils’ school topics – for example, the Olympics or the human body.

The 2024 Honest Lass Eilidh Bonthron, 2023 Honest Lad Aiden McLaren and Scotland’s original Gladiator, Siren (Ali Paton), handed out gifts at the winners’ ceremony. Tracey Doran, Pinkie Farm Shop’s community champion, also helped to judge the art competition, along with Fiona Storey, a local artist and ASN auxiliary at Cockenzie Primary School, and former pupil and keen artist Martha Hodge, who is now at secondary school.

More than 400 pieces of artwork were displayed on the walls of the school’s corridors.

The fair attracted more support than expected and, within the first hour, the huge tombola stands were sold out.

Volunteers included parents, carers, grandparents, teachers and even former pupils.

Doug Broadley, chair of Pinkie St Peter’s Parent Council, said: “The fair was created to be a community-building experience rather than a fundraising event, so lots of things were free or at a reduced cost.

“In exchange for three dress-down days for the children, we asked our parents and carers to donate bottles, chocolate and baking – we were overwhelmed by everyone’s generosity.”

Bex, also a parent council member, added: “We had way more people through the door than we could have ever expected and, within the first hour, the two huge tombola stands had been sold out!

“We had lots of amazing volunteers from parents, carers, teachers, grandparents and even past pupils.

“We had a huge amount of community support, which made the fair a huge success and a wonderful fun-filled day out. Without that, it just couldn’t have gone ahead.”

She added: “Next year we hope to make the Pinkie-tastic Summer Fair even bigger and better, with the children eager for the return of the art competition.”

The organisers thanked everyone who supported the event, including Eastern Displays & Exhibition for printing the posters, selfie board and four banners, DTP Southfield for printing posters, Suzanne Gilhooley for interactive story time sessions, J&J Ices and Biryani Bae.