GREEN-FINGERED experts have been given a tour of Haddington’s horticultural hotspots.

Judges from Keep Scotland Beautiful’s Beautiful Scotland initiative visited the town yesterday (Wednesday).

Terry Stott and Sandra Maclennan cast their eye over the efforts of the team of volunteers at Blooming Haddington and the results will be revealed at Aberdeen’s Duthie Park on September 9.

Clare Scott, chairwoman of Blooming Haddington, met the judges at St Mary’s Parish Church ahead of the three-hour tour of the town.

She said: “It's been a pleasure to show the judges around our town. But Blooming Haddington's work is not just about how the town looks on judging day.

“Our aim is to make the town an attractive place to live, work and visit all year round. 

“The community involvement with the wheelbarrow trail has been fantastic and we have been overwhelmed with the response to the request for yarn-bombing.

“Thank you to everyone who has got involved.

“We are also very grateful for the work of the staff at the council throughout the year, both at the plant nursery in Prestonpans where our hanging baskets start their life, and also to the team who plant and maintain many of the beds around the town."  

Groups from all over Scotland are invited to take part in the national initiative and judges have spent the last fortnight visiting different towns across the country.

Each group of volunteers is assessed against Beautiful Scotland’s three pillars: horticultural achievement, environmental responsibility and community participation.

In Haddington, judges visited the Oriental Garden, transformed by volunteers over the last 10 years, and Neilson Park, where they met a representative from East Lothian Council. 

A walk through the High Street gave them a chance to see the newly installed planters and the 160 hanging baskets. 

'Yarn bombing', which has included hundreds of flowers, cakes and bunting, knitted and crocheted by the community, was also on display.

Visits to St Mary's Pleasance, Lady Kitty's Garden and Amisfield Walled Garden then followed. 

'Yarn bombing' has featured as part of Blooming Haddington's activities this year'Yarn bombing' has featured as part of Blooming Haddington's activities this year, including this lovely 'postbox topper' on High Street (Image: Contributed)

They also saw a number of the wheelbarrows around the town which members of the community have planted up to celebrate Blooming Haddington's 10th anniversary. 

Groups will then receive their awards and celebrate their achievements at the annual Beautiful Scotland celebration event next month.

Juliette Camburn, senior officer, community initiatives at Keep Scotland Beautiful, said: “This time of the year is so exciting as our volunteer judges prepare to visit our wonderful family of groups all over the country.

“Every year we are blown away by the dedication, passion and determination of our groups to improve their local environment, not only for themselves and the people who live there but for visitors from across the world and for our wildlife too.”