CONCERNS have been raised that a “huge” sign could lead to an accident at a busy junction on the A1.

The red sign at the Spott Road roundabout on the outskirts of Dunbar is highlighting development opportunities at the rear of the town’s Asda store.

However, fears that drivers would be distracted by the sign, which measures about 10 feet by 20 feet, were highlighted at a meeting of Dunbar Community Council.

Councillor Donna Collins, who represents the town on the local authority, told the Courier: “It is extremely distracting and it was highlighted to me the other day when another car in front of me was slowing up to try to see what the sign said.

“It is behind another sign and folk are [thinking]: ‘What the hell is that?’ There is going to be a shunt at some point because folk are slowing down trying to figure out what it is.”

A similar sign was previously in place at the site, between The Pine Marten restaurant and hotel and Spott Road, but it was removed.

Mrs Collins is calling for the removal of the new version, which appeared earlier this summer.

The sign is promoting industrial accommodation/design and build on the site, which is being developed by East Oakwood Developments and West Ranga Developments.

In November 2022, permission was given for Lidl, B&M and Starbucks to open stores and restaurants on the site. However, none of the three businesses have opened.

READ MORELidl, B&M and Starbucks approved at DunBear Park

Last year, developers said that the mixed use development would be brought forward in phases and bring “much-needed new business space and investment and jobs to East Lothian and the Lothians”.

At that time, Jamie Parratt, managing director of West Ranga Developments, said: “West Ranga truly believe that the evolution of Dunbar Business Park will be transformative for the local economy by creating significant employment through sustainable development.”

Development bosses said at the time that the total project would have “an estimated end value of circa £100 million and create in the region of 1,000 jobs over the medium to long-term”.

A spokesperson for East Lothian Council said: “The council has received complaints in respect of the sign being displayed at the Spott Road roundabout, and our planning enforcement officer is currently investigating the case to establish whether there is any breach of planning control.”