ATTEMPTS are being made to tackle the number of drivers heading in the wrong direction on Dunbar’s one-way system.

Complaints about vehicles turning right coming away from Dunbar Railway Station and also from the Abbeylands car park onto the wrong side of the road have been passed on to both councillors and Dunbar Community Council.

Councillor Donna Collins, who represents the town on East Lothian Council, has met with representatives of the local authority’s roads department to see what could be done to tackle the issue.

She said: “We have had a few reports that folk are going round the wrong way at Cherrytrees, next to the nursery, but also directly from the railway station and turning right, and from the housing estate turning right.

“Rather than going all the way round, they are heading down towards the Royal Mackintosh Hotel.”

Mrs Collins felt that those responsible for ignoring the one-way system were a mix of locals trying to save a few seconds on their journey and visitors unfamiliar with the road layout.

She told the Courier she had met a contractor who was heading towards the Royal Mackintosh Hotel after leaving from the railway station.

READ MORE: Concerns raised about drivers 'ignoring' Dunbar one-way system

The Dunbar and East Linton ward member said: “There have been a few near misses and a few incidents last week.”

Now, road markings are to be refreshed, with more added to help hammer home the message that it is a one-way system.

Similarly, disabled bays on neighbouring High Street will be given a fresh coat of paint as markings have become “rather faded”.