REPAIR works are planned for a building in the centre of Dunbar.

Proposals for alterations including replacement windows, roof, and re-rendering of part of the building at 115A, 115B and 117 High Street are with East Lothian Council.

Documents included with the planning application suggest that work could be carried out on the pitched roof, flat roof to the rear, chimney and pipes, as well as the front and back of the building.

A report with the application reads: “The design/conservation approach recognises the mix of contrasting materials in the building envelope and seeks to uphold that character.

“However, the exposed masonry especially is in a poor and vulnerable condition.

“The result is a combination of neglect as well as insensitive repairs/interventions over time, combined with a type of stone that is vulnerable to extreme weathering conditions, such as salty air.

“As a result, the exposed surface of the masonry being friable and the compromised mortar pointing reduces the options for repairs that help retain the character of the walling.”