A NORTH Berwick resident is cycling to the most northerly point in the UK to join his former classmates at a school reunion – and raise money for charity on the way.

Michael Ellis, who is originally from Shetland but has lived in East Lothian for nearly 18 years, usually only cycles for pleasure but decided to take on the epic journey when he was invited to the reunion in Lerwick.

The planned five-day journey started on Friday evening with a trip on North Berwick boat Sula III to Anstruther, from where he cycled 111 miles to Aberdeen to catch the ferry to Lerwick.

But Michael, who lives in North Berwick with his wife and two children, did not plan to just stop there.

Having spent his childhood in Unst, the most northerly island in the UK, he will finish his 170-mile bike ride in Burrafirth, in the north of the island.

Michael said: “It’s a bit of a cheat, truth be told, as I will be travelling hundreds of miles by boat!

He added: “I’ve had it in mind for a while but thought I would give it a go and try and raise some money for Glenn Campbell’s Brain Power fund in aid of Brain Tumour Research.”

The IP consultant is raising funds for Brain Tumour Research and in support of local journalist Glenn Campbell, who was diagnosed with a brain tumour.

Michael said: “In 2023, while out for a regular weekend cycle ride, Glenn Campbell, journalist and generally good guy, crashed off his bike.

“Suffering a nasty injury with multiple broken ribs, Glenn had a brain scan which revealed a rare form of brain tumour.”

Michael told the Courier during the journey: “It’s had its ups and downs so far. It was a very pleasant start on the Sula to Anstruther.

Michael Ellis sailed to Anstruther from North Berwick, and cycled to Aberdeen to catch the ferry to Shetland

“My favourite part so far has been the 35 miles from St Andrews to Arbroath, which is almost entirely dedicated cycle paths and forest paths.

“My low was the morning after a tough day of cycling and a really bad night’s sleep with the daunting Cairn O’Mount facing me – I was close to quitting at that point.

“I regret not having done a little more training for this!”

Go to justgiving.com/page/michael-ellis-1721842853727 to donate.