A PLEA has been made for people to help an award-winning team of green-fingered volunteers.

Blooming Haddington has enjoyed national success and will again attempt to wow judges when they visit the town on Wednesday.

However, a warning has been issued that the group needs more people to step forward and help out, otherwise it may not continue.

A spokesperson said: “It’s lovely to live in a nice town, and we think we help to make it an attractive town to live in, with the 150 hanging baskets, the new planters, Lady Kitty’s Garden and the Oriental Garden – but this could be our last year.

“We desperately need more volunteers if we are to continue.

“We volunteer on a Sunday, 10am-noon, and at the moment we are also out on a Wednesday, 6.30-8.30pm.”

Judges will be given a tour of the town’s horticultural hotspots next week as part of the national Beautiful Scotland competition.

The spokesperson added: “We are appealing to anyone in our community who has a little spare time to please come forward to help us, particularly over the next week, to enable us to get the town ready for the judges.

“We have won a gold award for our town for the last nine years; it would be nice to win another gold, particularly if this is going to be our last year.”

Email Bloominghaddington@gmail.com or message the group on Facebook.