A TROUPE of talented young actors are getting ready to perform Matilda at Fringe by the Sea, with three youngsters taking on the title role.

The cast of 60 children from across East Lothian are part of Musical Mill, a theatre arts group which is returning to the festival for the third year.

In 2022 and 2023, it performed Bugsy Malone and Shrek, but Linda Kearsley Ross, founder and director of the drama group, was keen to raise the stakes.

Linda said: “Matilda is a difficult musical to do. It is very complicated vocally and these children are so young – the majority are in primary school still.

“It is a massive challenge but one that we’re really looking forward to.”

Children have attended rehearsals since January, and last week were taking part in a ‘Matilda Camp’ to get ready for Fringe by the Sea in North Berwick.

They performed the show in Loretto School earlier this year but the festival’s different venue will involve reblocking scenes to fit the stage and some technical differences.

Two performances will take place in the Big Top in Lodge Grounds during the festival, with the Haddington and Dunbar cast taking to the stage on Monday, and the North Berwick cast next Friday (August 9).

Mia Stewart, 10, from Dunbar, will be taking on the titular role on Monday, while for next Friday’s show it will be shared by Heidi James, 11, from North Berwick, and Florrie Snell, 12, from Gullane.

All the youngsters portraying the characters from Roald Dahl’s famous novel are in P4 to S2, and for many this will be their first time performing a show in front of such a big crowd.

Linda said: “They’re really excited about being on this huge stage, it is a massive highlight for the kids that do it. I think they feel like rock gods.

“They really rise to it and they love it. We’re hoping to have a massive audience – last year we had 700 people come to see our Shrek, which was fabulous for such a small cast.

“We always get a really nice warm support from everybody – everyone seems to really get behind the community groups.”

Tickets are available at fringebythesea.com/the-musical-mill (Monday, Haddington and Dunbar cast) and fringebythesea.com/the-musical-mill-matilda-junior-north-berwick (next Friday, North Berwick cast).