THE new Labour MP for Edinburgh East and Musselburgh highlighted the Musselburgh Festival during his maiden speech in the House of Commons last week.

Chris Murray made reference to the annual community event and the tradition of the Kirkin’ and Sashing of the Honest Lad and Honest Lass.

He paid tribute to the 2024 Honest Lad Billy Innes and Honest Lass Eilidh Bonthron in his speech, and has sent his congratulations to both.

In his speech, Mr Murray paid tribute to “hard-working communities” of the constituency, young people who had “sacrificed” so much during the Covid-19 pandemic, and said he was determined to be part of a better future for the constituency.

He said: “My constituency is home to two universities: the University of Edinburgh at one end and Queen Margaret University at the other. This makes the seat both intellectually dynamic and young.

“Students and recent graduates make their home there, and their ideas, skills and energy make them the engine for my constituency’s enormous potential.”

He also told the House of Commons: “The coming years will be critical for my constituency.

“If we can generate economic growth by attracting the jobs of the future, if we can ensure that people who work hard get good wages and decent conditions, and if we can seize the opportunity of the energy transition, bring opportunities for the young and take our place as a global cultural capital, then we can achieve our potential.”

He paid tribute to his predecessor, Tommy Sheppard, promising to continue the legacy of his commitment to peace in the Middle East.

Mr Murray later said: “For towns like Musselburgh to prosper, there must be a reset of the relationship between Holyrood and Westminster, with both Governments working in the service of their people.”

His maiden speech is available at