THIS year’s Musselburgh Festival has been described as “an incredible week” by organisers.

Alistair Barclay, president of the Honest Toun’s Association, said: “We have had 25 fantastic events, including a new event for 2024 – our touch rugby tournament, which has been well received.

“Every event has been well supported throughout the week, with Wednesday’s fun cycle, which was a new event in 2023, having double the number of people that attended last year, which was great to see, and enjoyed by all, young and old alike.”

He added: “With so much happening throughout the week, it is hard to pick out our highlight but we have to mention the incredible restoration of the festival carriage which was unveiled after the Kirkin’ on Sunday morning.

“The carriage was restored and filmed as part of the BBC Repair Shop programme and we understand it is the biggest restoration they have undertaken to date. We can’t wait to see Musselburgh on TV in all its glory in due course.”

Mr Barclay added: “The Crusaders’ Chase and duck race were fabulous in the sunshine and had a great turnout, with children running along the river enjoying themselves.

“There are too many events to mention but we had something for everyone, from the Singing Kettle to the always-popular tea dance.”

The annual community celebration ended on Saturday with a day of fun, laughter and music at a sold-out family fun day at Musselburgh Racecourse which attracted a 5,000-strong crowd.

“We have had great feedback on the day after adding more rides than previous years. Batman even came along so say hello and get his picture taken with everyone,” said Mr Barclay.

He paid tribute to the 2024 Honest Lad Billy Innes and Honest Lass Eilidh Bonthron, saying they have had “an amazing week.”

“They did themselves proud at every event and visit they attended,” he said.

Mr Barclay added that Billy and Eilidh, supported by the 2023 Honest Lad Aidan McLaren and 2023 Honest Lass Ellen Brown, have been “an outstanding official party.”

He commented: “We are very lucky to have such amazing role models and hopefully they are inspiring the next generation of Honest Lads and Honest Lasses.”

He said: “I would like to say thank you to everyone who has helped make this an amazing week and thank you to all the committee members who have been working behind the scenes all year to make the week run like clockwork.

“We couldn’t get through the week without the army of supporters who volunteer at events. There are lots of individuals too many to mention but also several local organisations including Musselburgh Sea Cadets & Royal Marine Cadets, Police Scotland East Lothian and Musselburgh Rotary Club. They have all done a fantastic job and we couldn’t do it without them.

“Our last thank you goes to our sponsors James Scott Funeral Directors, Hamill Decorating, Gordon Vets, Dal Patino, Bolton Roofing, The Willow, Qwiklube, Ravelston House, Mint Fig, Fruit Bakes, S Luca’s, Blueberry Gifts, Loretto School The Craneware Group and Pickerings Gin.

“We are all off now for a well deserved rest now before we start again for 2025.”