FOOTBALL fans could soon have their own area to cheer on their team.

Hundreds of youngsters use the artificial football pitch off Haddington’s Whittingehame Drive each week.

Now, visitors to the surface, which was the third of its kind when it was laid in 2011, could have their own spectator area.

According to an application submitted by East Lothian Council to its own planning department: “Haddington Athletic FC are looking to expand on the existing fencing system to increase the overall footprint of the facility and create a new spectator area adjacent to the pavilion on the west side of the pitch, with the addition of a new gate access and spectator barrier, the existing perimeter fencing height will not be changing during the proposed works.

“The fencing development will see a new spectator area constructed which will be of great benefit to the community and club.

“This will allow all spectators affiliated with the club to have a designated area watch at the facility.”