A SEWER problem on a road in North Berwick has been fixed after just over a month's wait. 

According to a disgruntled resident, sewage had been pouring out onto Windygates Road since June 21. 

James Sanderson contacted the Courier about the issue and said that it was a "disgusting" thought that sewage was leaking on the path. 

He continued: "An operative arrived quite promptly and confirmed that this was discharging from a blocked sewer.

"The road is a well-used pedestrian route and so walkers and their dogs had to walk through a film of raw sewage.

"However, this would seem to me to be a significant health hazard and so it is disappointing that Scottish Water didn’t seem to view this as in any way urgent."

Scottish Water told the Courier that they requested a full CCTV check of the sewer. This led to the recognition of a a significant ‘choke’ or blockage (caused by a deposit of concrete). 

Traffic management was also required and, once permissions were in place, the ‘choke’ was cleared.

According to Scottish Water, they attended to the problem virtually every single day to minimise the impact. 

A Scottish Water spokesperson said: “We will always respond as quickly as possible and will take all reasonable measures with partners to resolve these kind of issues.”