EMERGENCY services, including a rescue helicopter, were called out late last night (Saturday) after “cries for help” were heard.

Coastguard teams from North Berwick, Dunbar and Fisherrow were called out alongside the lifeboat crew from North Berwick.

The call came in at about 11.40pm after shouts were heard coming from North Berwick’s West Bay by multiple people.

RNLI volunteers were soon on the water and conducted a thorough search of the area and harbour while Coastguard teams worked on shore.

A spokesperson for North Berwick RNLI said: “The Coastguard Rescue Helicopter from Prestwick (Rescue 199) also joined the search as the lifeboat continued the search offshore.

“After almost three hours of searching with nothing found the Coastguard were satisfied that the area had been thoroughly searched and the lifeboat was stood down.

“We'd like to thank the members of the public who assisted search teams and apologise to the occupant of a yacht whose sleep we disturbed on more than one occasion.

“We also thank those who heard and responded to the shouts for help, if you are unsure whether someone is in difficulty at the coast always call 999 and ask for the Coastguard.”