A COMMEMORATION of more than 450 men killed on the first day of the Battle of the Somme has taken place in France.

Paul Robertson, Jamie Colquhoun and Tom Logan travelled to the French village of Contalmaison at the beginning of the month.

The trio made the trip to take part in an act of remembrance at the memorial cairn in the village, in commemoration of the 454 men of The Royal Scots who were killed at Contalmaison 108 years ago.

A service was held by a party from McCrae’s Battalion Trust, accompanied by the 1st Battalion, The Royal Scots Regimental Association’s Standard party, and a piper.

Mr Robertson is vice-chairman of The Royal Scots Regimental Association and lives in West Lothian, while Mr Colquhoun is secretary of the East Lothian branch of The Royal Scots Regimental Association and lives in Wallyford.

Mr Logan, who now lives in Tranent, is chairman of the East of Scotland branch of The Royal Scots Regimental Association.

All three are former pupils of Haddington’s Knox Academy.