CONCERNS have been raised that a road in North Berwick is being “hijacked” by parked coaches serving a hotel.

Concerns were raised at a meeting of North Berwick Community Council last month, when it was stated that traffic cones were being placed on the pavement outside the Marine Hotel on Cromwell Road.

A concerned resident told the Courier that cones often take up a sizeable section of the road, before being moved onto the pavement when buses approach and leave.

The Courier understands that cones have been placed on the street for the past month, causing issues for local residents.

Since the hotel has a car park opposite its premises, the move has a left a number of people perplexed.

One North Berwick resident said: “The Marine might want to make parking easier for some clients but this action is very unfriendly towards others, including neighbours, other users and to the wider North Berwick community.

“The Marine Hotel has hijacked public parking spaces for the hotel’s private use without any discussion or agreement.

“Its unthoughtful and unacceptable.”

A spokesperson for East Lothian Council said: “Following concerns raised with the council, we have had a discussion with hotel management around the process necessary for any temporary restrictions on public roads, including the requirement for obtaining a permit for placing ‘no parking’ cones.”

The Marine Hotel declined to comment.