THE search is on for a local hero as East Lothian residents are being asked to nominate friends and family members who deserve recognition.

All Members of the Scottish Parliament will be proposing a constituent as their ‘local hero’.

Paul McLennan, East Lothian MSP, is on the lookout for a county resident who has made an extraordinary contribution to their communities, with the chance to make a nomination open until August 12.

The selected nominee will join MSPs and other local heroes from across Scotland at a special event on Saturday, September 28, to mark 25 years of the Scottish Parliament.

Taking place in the Debating Chamber, the day will mark the achievements of the Parliament, which officially opened on July 1, 1999, while also celebrating Scottish culture.

Launching the search, Mr McLennan said: “East Lothian is a place where people look after each other.

“We have a strong community that goes above and beyond to help others.

“There is no shortage of people in East Lothian who give their time and energy selflessly to their local community – often without recognition.

“I want to hear about these people making a positive difference in the lives of others.

“Together with my fellow MSPs, we want to celebrate the achievements of our local heroes across every constituency and region in Scotland to mark the significant milestone of the 25th anniversary of the Scottish Parliament.

“In this 25th anniversary year, it is right that the people of Scotland are placed at the heart of our events.

“I know there will be many residents who fit the bill of a local hero, so if you know someone who you want to see recognised, maybe a family member, friend or colleague, I would recommend you nominate them.”

Nominations can be emailed to and must be submitted no later than August 12.