A CAFE’S change of colour is to be considered by East Lothian Council’s planning department.

Three applications are with the local authority surrounding the change of appearance to Rocksalt, which opened earlier this summer on Haddington High Street.

Previously, the premises were home to Caffe Luca. At that time, the building was a shade of red, while the doors and windows had a black border.

Caffe Luca closed its doors in April and the building was painted grey and blue, ahead of Rocksalt, which specialises in Mediterranean flavours, opening its doors.

However, the local authority launched an investigation last month, deeming the repainting of the shopfront “a breach of planning control”.

Three applications – for advertising consent, planning permission and listed building consent – are now with East Lothian Council. A decision on the proposals, by Cem Eroglu, is anticipated by early September.