THREE good causes are benefiting from thirsty visitors to a Haddington church.

Congregation members visiting the tea table at St Mary’s Parish Church on a Sunday are boosting church funds while also helping Home-Start East Lothian, Our Community Kitchen and Care & Repair East Lothian.

A spokesperson for the church said: “For several years now, donations at the tea table on Sunday mornings have been shared, with 50 per cent going to church funds and the remaining 50 per cent sent to various charities.”

Tranent-based Home-Start East Lothian promotes the welfare of families with at least one child under the age of five.

Meanwhile, Our Community Kitchen aims to reduce isolation and loneliness by bringing people together to enjoy a meal.

READ MORE: Our Community Kitchen celebrates birthday milestone

Finally, Care & Repair East Lothian offers a service to older and disabled people on financing and carrying out housing improvements, repairs or adaptations.