A SECOND attempt is being made by a growing family looking to build their own home.

Gary MacPherson and Anna Smith’s bid for a house on land at Newmains, near Whitekirk, was turned down in March.

At that time, the application was rejected as it was considered a “new build housing development in the countryside”.

Now, Tony Thomas, who is representing the couple, has highlighted that “changes” in national planning policy “encourage a more flexible approach to new housing in the countryside”.

Mr Thomas said: “Taking a positive approach to sustainable new development is to be encouraged.

“The proposed home would be an attractive addition to the existing cluster of homes and farm buildings at Newmains and sit comfortably and sympathetically with the existing homes at Newmains.”

READ MORE: Couple seek approval for home near Whitekirk after ‘exhaustive search’

The application, which, if approved, would see a four-bedroom home built, was described as “a very specific project for the applicants”.

Mr Thomas outlined the couple’s connection to East Lothian and their desire to raise a family in the area.

The supporting statement, which is being considered by East Lothian Council’s planning department, notes that the owner of Newmains Farm has agreed to sell a plot of land to allow them to create “an attractive and sustainable family home”.

It reads: “Over the past few years, Anna and Gary have lived at Gay Cottage, one of the adjacent properties to the application site (the other being Grieves Cottage).

“During this time, they have undertaken an exhaustive search for a property suitable for a growing family, Gary’s job and work patterns whilst also acting as a base for Anna as a mother and entrepreneur.

READ MORE: Planning officials turn down couple's bid for new home

“This search has looked at some of the many new build properties across East Lothian as well as ad hoc established properties that have become available nearby.

“The latter tend to be very expensive whilst the former are not compatible with Gary’s occupation where he works unsociable hours and may be using estate type vehicles on any given day (quad bike/fourwheel drives, etc.).

“The owner of Newmains Farm has offered to sell this plot of land to Anna and Gary to enable them to create an attractive and sustainable family home at a location already accommodating a number of existing homes and with negligible impact on the surrounding farmland and wider countryside setting.”

Drawings included with the application show two bedrooms, a living area, kitchen, utility room and family area on the ground floor; and two en-suite bedrooms, one featuring a dressing area, upstairs.