A FORMER teacher who went on to form a group providing training opportunities to people in Dunbar has been appointed a Deputy Lieutenant of East Lothian.

Kate Darrah will assist the county’s Lord Lieutenant Roderick Urquhart in taking on various roles as a representative of King Charles III.

Ms Darrah, who spent 16 years teaching modern languages, then working with youngsters with additional support needs before retraining in horticulture, was delighted to take on the role.

She said: “I’m thrilled and feel very honoured.

“I think it is a great opportunity to go and spread some appreciation throughout the third sector and different things.

“People are giving up their time and energy for other people and there are a lot of unsung heroes out there that I would enjoy going to show some appreciation to.”

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Ms Darrah taught at Dunfermline High School, Beeslack Community High School in Midlothian, and Preston Lodge High School before going on to set up The Ridge 12 years ago.

The successful social enterprise and charity, based on Dunbar’s High Street, provides high-quality and accessible life skills and training for local people.

It aims to especially develop the skills and employability of marginalised and vulnerable local people.

The Ridge also restores dilapidated buildings for the benefit of the local community.

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Dunbar resident Ms Darrah felt that a lot of good work had been done in terms of restoring buildings and added: “I can say confidently that it has had a really positive impact on a lot of people’s lives.”

The Lord Lieutenant, who is the personal representative of the King for East Lothian, is assisted by Vice Lord Lieutenant Patrick Gammell.

There are also five other Deputy Lieutenants – John Kinnaird, Elizabeth Nicoll, Lyn Marshall, Iain Clark and Sir Hew Dalrymple – each based in different parts of the county.

Together, they make up the East Lothian Lieutenancy, which gets involved in and assists with royal visits, honours, awards, the Royal Garden Party and in celebrating 100th birthdays and diamond wedding anniversaries.

The Lieutenancy works closely with local charities and voluntary groups, and also with local reserve forces and cadet units.

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Mr Urquhart said: “I am delighted to welcome Kate as a Deputy Lieutenant of East Lothian.

“She is especially community minded and passionate about the benefits of strong social enterprise.

“Her track record, and what The Ridge has already achieved, is testament to her vision and aim that everyone should have the chance to realise their potential.”