A cheque for £1,630 was handed over to the Hollies Community Hub in Musselburgh after a successful fundraising event was hosted by Musselburgh Private Bowling Club (MPBC).

A strongly contested competition took place, with some of the best bowlers in the county taking part.

The winners were the team from Deantown.

John McNally, a trustee at the Hollies who is a member of the bowling club, said: “The members and guests of Musselburgh Private Bowling Club excelled themselves.”

He added: “Everyone from the Hollies will be forever grateful for the donation of £1,630.

“The donation will help the team at The Hollies continue to thrive to provide the best possible facility for the isolated and vulnerable in the community. Thanks again to everyone at MPBC.”

Activities at the Hollies include a lunch club for older people in the community as well as a music, dancing and bingo afternoon.

The High Street facility is also a meeting place for local groups.