A TRANENT group has been recognised after putting together a report highlighting the gendered impact of the cost-of-living crisis.

Fa’side Women and Girls were presented with the ‘valuing generational inclusion and diversity prize’ at the Generations Working Together (GWT) awards, at an evening reception held at the Scottish Parliament.

The group used gender budgeting tools to look at how the current cost-of-living crisis was impacting women and girls in the East Lothian area.

Jude Currie, vice-chair of Generations Working Together, said: “Huge congratulations to Fa’side Women and Girls Group in Tranent on your GWT Generational Diversity & Inclusion Award.

“Ensuring there are safe, inclusive and supportive ways for groups of women and girls of all ages to gather, connect meaningfully, break down stereotypes and empower each other just has to be celebrated.

“Seeing you work intergenerationally to identify needs and effect change has clearly been inspiring to so many in your community and beyond.”

Working alongside the Scottish Women’s Budget Group (SWBG) and Making Rights Real, the group hosted an online survey between March and July last year.

They also attended community events to hear from people who could not access the survey online. In total, there were 278 responses.

The findings showed single parents, disabled women and those living on their own were being disproportionately affected by the cost-of-living crisis in East Lothian.

The report, which was published last November, read: “Rising costs have hit individuals on the lowest incomes the hardest.

“This disproportionately impacts women, as they are more likely to experience poverty throughout their lifetime, with lower levels of savings and wealth in comparison to men, as well as being unable to increase paid work due to caring responsibilities.”

The project aimed to understand how the cost-of-living crisis was impacting on women in East Lothian and how this was exacerbating experiences of inequality.

The summary briefing of findings ‘The cost-of-living crisis – I think about it all the time’ is available online at swbg.org.uk/faside-women-and-girls-group