A Macmerry-based company has joined forces with a business in Hamilton to deliver a £1.2 million thermal storage system project.

Sunamp has partnered with Procast Group to implement the EXTEND project in about 60 homes across the UK.

The proposed thermal storage system by Sunamp is anticipated to replace boilers fired by fossil fuels and will incorporate intelligent heating control for optimum use of electricity.

The project aims to have a positive impact on living conditions and energy bills for tenants.

This follows Sunamp's receipt of £9.25 million in Government funding via the Longer Duration Energy Storage Demonstration programme.

The Procast Group will utilise its installation workforce for the trials, as well as contribute towards the design and development of key components.

Andrew Bissell, chief executive of Sunamp, said: "The money will be used to develop and test in 60 homes a first-of-a-kind thermal energy storage technology aimed at replacing fossil fuels and bringing forward the electrification of heat."

Derek Innes, owner and managing director of Procast Group, said: "This is such an exciting and innovative project to be a part of and we’re delighted to be teaming up with Sunamp on this one.

"Not only are we looking forward to seeing the improvements we can make to peoples’ homes come to fruition, we are also excited to see what comes of the partnership in the future."

Residents interested in the trial can access Sunamp’s heat pumps through Catapult and will receive £400 for their participation.

To find out more about Procast Group’s funded heat pump systems, visit: es.catapult.org.uk/news/sunamp-funding-for-living-lab-trial