A Musselburgh author is celebrating the publication of her new children’s book.

Emma Murray, 43, who lives on the town’s Almond Park, has written Claymore the Castle Monster, which tells the story of a wee Scottish monster who lives in the dungeons in the heart of a castle in Edinburgh.

“He is a cheeky, happy, wee monster who does a lot of work in the castle but nobody ever knows he is there as he is not allowed to mix with the public,” she said.

“The story is all about what he gets up to behind the scenes.” The mum-of-six, who also works as a florist, is hoping to turn Claymore’s adventures into a series of books.

“I want to expand on the Claymore books and have a great idea for a second one,” she added.

“I think Claymore is a really likeable character and I want to bring out more of him and what he gets up to, maybe even away from the castle.”

Emma said: “I’m over the moon to have published Claymore.

“It was a book that I wrote with my youngest son Robbie in mind. He is five and I wanted a book that I knew he would love, and other children too. Robbie asks for Claymore a lot at bedtime – it’s lovely.”

Claymore The Castle Monster, which is 29 pages long, is her second children’s book. Her first is called Hope The Hospital Fairy which is about helping children who are going into hospital deal with and hopefully overcome any anxieties they have about it.

She said that her son Aidan, who is now 18, was diagnosed with cancer three years ago but was now in remission.

“I suffered from terrible anxiety being in the hospital with him and was diagnosed with PTSD, so I wanted to help children who were feeling the same way,” she added.

“It was just a very hard time for me seeing my son going through that and seeing so many children unwell with cancer was a really hard thing to witness.

“The pain of other parents too – it was really tough. “My first book went so well and I received great feedback so it really gave me the confidence and motivation to write Claymore.”

She is also currently working on her first book for adults, which has a “comedy vibe”. “It’s about women of a certain age and things they go through,” she said.

“It’s all very light-hearted and, I hope, something that women everywhere can relate to and enjoy. I am really enjoying writing it and taking my writing to a new level.”

“I want to show that my writing skills vary between children and adults. It’s also a book I’ve laughed out loud while writing too. I’m loving it,” said Emma.

Paperback copies of Claymore the Castle Monster can be purchased from Blueberry gift shop on Musselburgh High Street and online via Amazon.