AN EXHIBITION of history stretching the length of North Berwick High Street is on display until the end of August.

‘Windows to the Past’ is a showcase of historical pictures and almost all of the street’s shops are taking part this month and next.

The display is an opportunity to take a journey back in time to how High Street was through the decades, even as far back as 1898.

North Berwick Trust, Rotary Club of North Berwick and Rock & Bird funded and sponsored the event.

John Fergie, who was behind the project, said: “The idea of doing this exhibition actually wasn’t my idea at all, a few of my friends saw a similar one at Fringe by the Sea 2022 and they pestered me for six months for me to do a gallery along High Street.

“I started the work in April of last year and it took a lot of time and effort to source the pictures, contact shop owners and source funding for the project. In all, around 98 organisations up and down North Berwick High Street have taken part.

“I am very proud of my achievement and want to thank everyone else who contributed. I do believe that this exhibition is all about community and that is what the town of North Berwick is so well renowned for.”

Bruce Wilson, a member of the Rotary club, said: “Windows to the Past is a great and popular project which we were delighted to help sponsor.”

Julia Zeller-Jacques, owner of Rock & Bird, said: “Our help was a very small part of the whole.

"John Fergie has done a fantastic job – and it’s been wonderful to hear people already talking about the photos and the different shops; it’s created a real buzz.”