A LONGNIDDRY business owner has said she is “over the moon” after campaigning for nearly a year to have an easily accessible defibrillator installed.

Jane Muir, 63, owner of Jane Muir Podiatry & Healthcare, located on Main Street, has finally accomplished her dream of installing a 24/7, round-the-clock defibrillator in the middle of the village.

The businesswoman has lived in the village for 38 years and made it her mission to get an additional life-saving device close by.

The defibrillator has now been put in place on Old School Lane, opposite the Co-op.

According to the NHS: “In emergency situations, cardiac defibrillation devices allow timely lifesaving treatment by delivering electric shocks to restore a stable heart rhythm.”

READ MORE: Defibrillator installed at North Berwick sports pavilion

Jane spoke to the Courier about her efforts in having to raise £1,211 and she thanked The Wemyss and March Estate, the Co-op’s local fundraising pioneer Sheila Noble, Lorna Feely and staff at Longniddry Co-op, Angela Cockerton at Garleton Lodge and ongoing ownership and maintenance from Longniddry Rotary Club, who all helped.

Jane said: “I thought it was crucial to get a defibrillator installed that was easily accessible for the community and I have had a bee in my bonnet for some time. It’s taken a long time to organise this, as maintenance is very important to the device.

“The Rotary and the Co-op have been great at helping me out and I want to thank them for all their help.

“If it saves one life then it is absolutely worth it and I am over the moon it has been installed.”

Jane eventually received £2,087 through her fundraising efforts, with the rest of the money going to a planned additional device for Longniddry Golf Club.