A GROUND-floor flat near Dunbar’s East Beach will become a short-term holiday let.

Permission has been given for the one-bedroom property to become visitor accommodation, despite concerns about traffic in the area.

Members of East Lothian Council’s planning department weighed up the potential economic benefits associated with the development, alongside the potential for “an unacceptable impact on local amenity or the character of a neighbourhood”.

One representation to the application for Cromwell Haven was received by the local authority.

The planning officer’s report reads: “It states that there has been a significant increase in the number of cars in this area and that more holiday guests are likely to result in even more cars.

It also states that people park their cars on the pavements, which obstructs pedestrians and forces them to walk on the road and that, in general, it has become a challenge to drive safely down neighbouring streets as cars are now parked on both sides of the road.”

However, the planning officer said that matters surrounding inconsiderate parking were controlled through other legislation. The flat is accessed via a private entrance door facing onto Lamer Street.

Officials determined that the economic benefits to Jon Glen’s application “outweigh” the loss of residential accommodation.