ONE of East Lothian’s largest hotels could be about to become even bigger.

Plans to increase the number of bedrooms at the Premier Inn between Whitecraig and Musselburgh are being weighed up by East Lothian Council.

Currently, the hotel has 82 bedrooms but that number looks set to jump to as many as 101 if the proposals are approved.

A statement included with the plans highlights the reasoning for the application and reads: “The proposed development will deliver a public benefit in the form of a positive economic impact.

“It will enhance a key element of the area’s visitor accommodation and tourist offer.

“It will improve the hotel’s offer, addressing specific customer demands and operational requirements.

“The proposal is a sustainable form of development that is of a high quality of design, conforming with the overarching objectives of the planning system and thus should be supported.

“Premier Inn has identified a considerable demand for additional budget hotel accommodation in this location.

“It is also acting to reconfigure the restaurant proposition to ensure it best fits customers’ needs in this location.

“This proposal for additional bedrooms and an adjusted restaurant proposition would meet Premier Inn’s operational requirements at the location and address demand for its services.”

Planning consent for the original hotel was obtained almost 30 years ago before a 20-bedroom extension was added in 2006.

The application relates to the hotel and not the neighbouring Brewers Fayre restaurant.

The two-storey extension would be built to the north-west of the existing main building as a separate annexe with a covered walkway.

It would contain 19 rooms while a breakfast room would be created in the main building.

Throughout the UK, Premier Inn has more than 800 hotels from city centres and historic towns to top attractions.

Currently, Marine North Berwick has 83 bedrooms.