WORK on North Berwick’s harbour wall is expected to be completed on time, the Courier has been told.

A large hole was smashed in a section of the wall during last October’s storms, while the walkway was damaged too.

Haddington-based East Coast Masonry has been working hard to carry out the repair work, which started on May 13.

Now, the Courier has been told the work is set to be completed on time by the middle of next month.

Last week, it was announced that North Berwick Harbour Trust had been granted a further £160,000 from the North Berwick Trust to help with the repairs at the harbour.

READ MORE£160,000 grant to help complete repairs of harbour wall

Andrew Duns, treasurer of North Berwick Harbour Trust, said: “The rebuilding of the harbour wall is going well and it should be finished by mid-August.

“It is on schedule but it is slow going because you need to build, wait for concrete and also wait for materials to get round.

“The council have been great and the contractors have been very helpful.

“It is all on plan to be completed, which is good.

“At the moment, they are laying the outer course of stones, as these are all of the original stones that came from the wall, and there is a strict requirement to restore the wall exactly like it was originally before it was damaged.”

Mr Duns went on to thank the North Berwick Trust for the group’s kind donation.

He said: “East Lothian Council have been great but the costs have come in slightly higher than we originally planned, mainly because of the restoration work.

“The original plan was just to do a repair but, after consultation with the historic bodies, they wanted a restoration.

“The costs of this have pushed the price up.

“We have raised around £95,000 with the community and we have committed around £50,000 of that, and the North Berwick Trust have now kindly given us a further £160,000.”