PRIMARY school leavers in the catchment for Tranent’s Ross High School enjoyed a special two-day event to prepare them for the move to secondary school.

A series of fun activities were organised for more than 200 P7 pupils from all seven primary schools in the catchment area: Sanderson’s Wynd, St Martin’ RCs, Windygoul, Macmerry, Ormiston, Pencaitland and Elphinstone.

On June 10 and 12, the children gathered at Meadowmill Sports Centre, where they were split into eight groups with the goal of meeting their peers from other schools.

East Lothian Council’s Connected Communities Fa’side team worked with several external partners to organise the event.

Active Schools’ future leaders’ volunteers helped to facilitate the groups, the arts services held dance classes, Ross High cluster’s mental health youth worker delivered workshops on resilience, and library services worked alongside Families Together East Lothian to provide support and encouragement through their activities.

Andy Cheshire, East Lothian Council’s community development officer, said: “This was the second year in a row in which the Connected Communities Fa’side team has managed to organise and deliver a free event for all local P7 children, and the feedback from children and teachers alike has been excellent.

“Massive thanks to all of the services and teams who made it such an enjoyable occasion, including Asda Tranent for the donations of bottled water and Enjoy Leisure for hosting us all again – the event really wouldn’t go ahead without their support.”