A VOLUNTEER got a feather in their cap after rescuing young birds trapped behind a pipe in a house at Wallyford.

The Community Resilience Volunteer Service (CRVS) sprung into action on becoming aware of a social media post on a local residents’ group.

The householder heard a bird which was trapped behind their kitchen cupboards, the service reported on social media.

A spokesperson for CRVS later told the Courier about the incident.

They said: “A local resident in Wallyford posted onto the Musselburgh Folks Facebook group saying that she had a bird trapped behind the kickboard in her kitchen and was asking for people’s advice. She had contacted SSPCA, who weren’t able to attend, due to the location of the bird.

“One of our volunteers saw this post and replied to her post saying that one of our volunteers could attend to assist in the recovery of the bird.

“Our operations director Marc, who lives in nearby Musselburgh, was able to attend the resident’s address and began removing the kickboard and accessed the side and under the cupboards.

“After a lot of looking about and torchlight searching, he managed to spot not one, but two fledgling sparrows wedged between a bit of timber from a previous wall and the brick wall behind it.

“With a bit of effort, he was able to free one of the birds from being trapped and transferred it to a small box.

“The second fledgling was a little bit trickier due to being properly wedged in, but persistence prevailed and he was able to get the second one into the box.

“After seeking advice from the Scottish SPCA, the fledglings were relocated to a nearby tree, to hopefully be reunited with their parents.”