DIGITAL technology was at the heart of a school’s inaugural fair.

Belhaven Hill School welcomed 30 of the UK’s leading independent schools to the event last month.

With more than 300 primary school visitors and 60 school representatives, it was the largest senior school event in Scotland.

Admissions teams were kept busy throughout the two-hour session.

Parents were also invited to a panel debate and question-and-answer session on the role of smartphones and EdTech in education.

A spokesperson for the school said: “The central point was that the digital culture of each school was of vital importance, and it is this that parents should be investigating and on which schools should be focusing.

“Each panellist concluded with a recommendation for parents, ending a positive and reassuring conversation on this complex and nuanced topic.”

Belhaven plans to repeat its Scottish Senior Schools Fair every two years and is already looking forward to the next event in May 2026.