A young woman from Aberlady has found the key to a new life after losing her parents.

Maya Mason was left alone in her childhood home but, with support from the Musselburgh-based Bridges Project’s Homemaker Programme, she is enjoying life again in her own flat.

It was about a year ago that the then 23-year-old’s father sadly passed away.

Having already lost her mother and experiencing her brother moving out, Maya was left in her family’s three-bedroom house in Aberlady by herself, the Bridges Project, which works with young people, said.

Maya admitted it was “a stressful time”.

She added: “I was in the house all alone and was supposed to be moving into a new tenancy. However, this got delayed and I had to maintain a three-bedroom house by myself. 

“It didn’t exactly do wonders for my mental health.”

That was when she reached out to Bridges Project for help. Having already accessed some of the charity’s services before the Covid-19 pandemic, the former North Berwick High School student was aware of the range of support available.

Maya was soon matched up with the Homemaker Programme and started working with independent living support worker Stevie Baxter in June 2023.

Working closely with East Lothian Council’s housing department, Stevie helped Maya with the process of moving into a new tenancy. 

While waiting for her new home, he also supported her with improving her independent living skills in areas such as cooking and money management.

Stevie was impressed by Maya’s patience while waiting for her new tenancy.

He said: “She is very mature and resilient and persevered through such a long wait for her tenancy. Throughout the whole process, Maya always chose to focus on the positives.”

Just before Christmas, the wait was finally over, and she was able to move into her new home. Located in a quiet but central part of Haddington, the flat felt like a perfect place for a new start.

She said: “It was a sigh of relief when I was finally able to move in after waiting for so long. It felt good to get a place on my own and it felt like a fresh start.”

Stevie continued to help Maya settle into her new flat. He supported her with everything from viewing and signing tenancy agreements to helping her obtain a laptop and SIM card.

Maya said: “I don’t know where I would have been without the support I have received from Stevie and East Lothian Works and East Lothian Council’s Tenancy Support. 

“Stevie has provided me with great support and guidance. I can speak to Stevie about whatever I am worried about.”

After receiving support to start her new life, the 24-year-old now wants to give back through volunteering.

She has started volunteering with Oxfam and has signed up to volunteer as a peer mentor with Bridges Project’s Listening Peers Programme and a Bridges Project Young Ambassador.

She said: “I want to be able to speak to other young people about things I have experienced, give them advice and help them out.”

The new Haddington resident said she was very proud of what she had overcome and achieved.

She said: “I didn’t think I would have been able to come this far. It is great to know that I have come through things and that everything has worked out.”

Stevie also praised Maya for what she had achieved.

He said: “I have seen a massive difference in her confidence and self-esteem.

“Maya is a real credit to herself.”